
Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG

Round Ventures LLC a Delaware Limited Liability Company
2810 N Church St
PMB 673141
Wilmington, Delaware 19802-4447 US

Liability for content

The content of this site has been created with the greatest of care.

We cannot, however, guarantee that the information in it is accurate, complete or up-to-date. As a service provider we are responsible under Section 6(1) of the German Media Services Inter-State Agreement and Section 8(1) of the German Teleservices Act for our own content on this site. Service providers are not however obliged to monitor third party information transmitted or stored on their site by them or to look for circumstances which may suggest a violation of the law.

This does not affect our statutory obligations to remove or block the use of information. Our liability in such cases shall however commence from the time become aware of an actual violation.

On becoming aware of such violations we shall remove this content immediately.